The Seder Plate

Maror- Bitter herbs, represents the bitterness of slavery and hard labor.

Charoset- Made of walnuts, apples, wine and cinnamon. It represents the mortar that was used by the Hebrew slaves to make bricks in ancient Egypt.

Karpas- The green vegetable symbolizes the coming of spring. It is dipped in salt water, which represents the tears of the Jewish people when they were slaves.

Z'roa- The lamb shank bone serves as a visual reminder of the special Passover sacrificial lamb offered at the temple in Jerusalem before its destruction. A symbol that G_d passed over the houses of our forefathers in Egypt.

Beitzah- Hard boiled eggs are a symbol of life. It is also said to represent the second offerings presented at the temple in Jerusalem, sorrow at its destruction, and the hope that it will be rebuilt.

haggadah Section: Urchatz