DUE to a new-age plague, the people are not currently wandering -they are staying put and so are we! 

As demonstrated by our ancestors who wandered and camped in the desert, we are creating our own virtual encampment (מַחֲנֶה).

We are so glad you are here!    ALL WHO ARE HUNGRY COME AND EAT

Let's join hands (metophorically) as we cross the sea together to freedom.   

"Ayn Kedusha bli Hachana, Holiness comes with preparation".  

Bring your pillow and other Passover goodies. Don't forget your wash basin! Purell, perhaps?   

Have your table set and your meal prepared. 

And we are off to start our Quarantine Seder

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: Rabbi Glickman, Temple Beth Hillel, South Windsor, CT