The whole point of the Seder is to ask questions. This is your time to ask about things that confuse you, things you don’t understand, or even things you don’t agree with. There really is no such thing as a stupid question, especially tonight. 

Questions are not only welcome during the course of the evening but are vital to tonight’s journey. Our obligation at this Seder involves traveling from slavery to freedom, prodding ourselves from apathy to action, encouraging the transformation of silence into speech, and providing a space where all different levels of belief and tradition can co-exist safely. Because leaving Mitzrayim--the narrow places, the places that oppress us (directly translated as Egypt)—is a personal as well as a communal passage, your participation and thoughts are encouraged.

Remember that questioning itself is a sign of freedom and our way out of Mitzrayim. The simplest questions can have many answers and sometimes, the best questions have no concrete answers. To judge things as good or bad, matzah or maror, Jewish, Muslim or Christian, conservative or liberal, religious or secular, is to be enslaved to simplicity.

Since this group is too large to pause for many full group discussions, our remedy is your stack of sticky notes at each table. Please, whenever you think of a question, write it on the sticky notes and bring them up in your dinner conversations. Do not see it as lacking knowledge or potentially being bothersome to others, but rather the best way to participate in the Passover tradition.

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: Love and Justice In Times of War Haggadah