The  Midrash and  Talmud share the following account:

Seven days after leaving Egypt, the  Israelites found themselves trapped between a raging sea and the vengeful Egyptian army. Then  G‑d gave Moses a command that seemed impossible to fulfill: “Speak to the people of Israel; they shall travel.”

 As Israel stood facing the Sea of Reeds, and the command was given to move forward, each of the tribes hesitated, saying, “We do not want to be the first to jump into the sea.” The Children of Israel cried to Moses, who in turn pleaded with G-d on their behalf. The response? A command: “Go! Move forward!” One man, Nachshon Ben Aminadav from the tribe of Judah, took heed of G-d’s call and jumped into the sea. 

Moses was standing and praying. G‑d said to him, “My beloved ones are drowning in the stormy seas, and you are standing and praying?”

Moses replied, “Master of the world, what am I to do?”

Said G‑d, “You lift your staff and spread your hand over the seas, which will split, and Israel will come into the sea upon dry land.”

And so it was. Following Nachshon’s lead, the Israelites entered the sea and were saved.

The lesson for all of us is that we must stay focused on our life’s mission and not let obstacles cause us to panic or hesitate. Is there something you know you should dive into but have been waiting for someone or something to give you a special invitation? 

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story