Hag sameach, where you been, Can I tell you the terrible plagues

Locusts, darkness, wild beasts, hail Saw it there and I thought
Oh, my G-d, look at those frogs They are gross, they smell wrong Plagues are here, That’s our song

Boils, sick cows, hail and lice
that old Pharaoh was a real mean man
See those nasty locusts fly
And I know you heard about it
So hey let’s get wine
Pharaoh’s gonna get it, it’s his time
Grab your wine glass and pass mine
‘Cuz our teacher Moses punished all the bad guys

So we’re gonna make a Seder
And we’re gonna go read ten plagues Egypt’s Pharaoh needed water
But the river was Type A

Got a big long haggadah
We’re gonna read every page Cuz you know I love the prayers So let’s do the plagues!

Cuz we’re here and we’re Jewish The Pharaoh went too far
So our God gave him justice
He stopped their firstborns’ hearts

Gotta big long haggadah
We’re gonna read every page Pharaoh’s boils were really itchy And that’s just one plague.

Hag sameah, listen up
Can I sing you the terrible plagues Gross scabs, bad frogs, no light, lice Saw it there, and I said
Oh my God, look at me now
I am mourning a dead cow
Plagues are here, that’s our song.

Bugs, locusts, bloody Nile
That old Egypt was a real bad place
See those firstborn die
And I know you heard about it
So hey let’s get wine
Egypt’s gonna get it, it’s ‘bout time
Grab your red wine and pass mine
‘Cuz baby I’m a nightmare dressed as a rabbi

So we’re gonna make a Seder
And we’re gonna go read ten plagues Egypt’s Pharaoh needed water
But the river was Type A

Got a big long haggadah
We’re gonna read every page ‘Cuz you know I love the prayers So let’s do the plagues!

Cuz we’re here and we’re Jewish The Pharaoh went too far
So our God gave him justice
He stopped their firstborns’ hearts  Gotta big long haggadah
We’re gonna read every page Pharaoh’s boils were really itchy

And that’s just one plague 

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues
Source: Rabbi Eli Garfinkel