Pharaoh's Nile (tune of "Gilligan's Island") by Randi and Murray Spiegel, Passover 1995 Just lean right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip That started back in ancient times while under Pharaoh's whip. Well Moses was a pious man, God made him brave and sure Though Pharaoh was a mighty man, his heart was not pure, his heart was not pure. Old Pharaoh started getting tough, the Jews were harshly bossed If not for the courage of the fearless few our people would be lost, our people would be lost. They cried to God please rescue us, conditions here are vile. Send Moses, and Aaron, too, to save our children and wives. We'll leave this land at God's behest Here on Pharaoh's Nile. So God said Moses take your staff and with your brother go To Pharaoh you will plead your case to let my people go. Well Moses, he sure did his best, but Pharaoh was not moved Til God sent down ten dreadful plagues and His power was proved, His power was proved. The frogs, the lice, and even boils, could not make Pharaoh bend 'Til slaying of the first born males threatened Pharaoh's life to end, threatened Pharaoh's life to end. The Jews escaped miraculously, when God helped them to flee, Egyptian armies followed them, but drowned in the deep Red Sea. So this is a tale of our ancestors, they wandered a long, long time. They had to make the best of things, it was an uphill climb. So join us here each year my friends, it's sure to be worthwhile Retelling how the Jews escaped, far from Pharaoh's Nile. Words copyright (c) 1995 by Randi and Murray Spiegel. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this material in any non-profit medium provided that its content is not altered and this notice is appended. We would appreciate receiving a copy of any publication in which it appears: Randi Spiegel, 48 Roosevelt Street, Roseland, NJ 07068 / rspieg{at_sign_here}
haggadah Section: Songs