(To the tune of "I've been Working on the Railroad")

We've been working on these buildings;

Pharaoh doesn't pay.

We've been doing what he tells us

Mixing straw with clay.

Can't you hear the master calling,

"Hurry up, make that brick!"

Can't you feel the master whip us

'Til we're feeling sick.

Oy vay, it's a mess,

A terrible distress,

Oy vay, it's a mess for Jews, us Jews.

Moshe's in the palace with Pharaoh,

Warning of all God's clout, clout, clout.

Moshe's in the palace with Pharaoh,

And God's gonna get us out!

We're singing . . . .

Fee, Fi, Fiddely eye oh,

Make our matzahs "to go" oh oh oh.

Fee, Fi, Fiddely eye oh,

Stick it to the ol' Pharaoh!

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story
Source: http://www.jr.co.il/humor/pass01.txt