Passover Symbols

Matzot- The matzah is a symbol of our affliction when we were slaves in Egypt and a reminder of the haste of departure since we didn't have time to let the bread rise.

Four Cups of Wine- During the seder, four glasses of wine are poured to represent the four stages of the Exodus and G_D's promises to Isreal: Freedom, Deliverance, Redemption and Release. They are served:

1. At Kiddush

2. Following the telling of the Passover story

3. After Grace

4. At the conclusion of the seder

Cup of Elijah- Elijah is associated with the coming of the Messiah. At Pesach, we invite Elijah to be present with us.

The Afikoman- It is a piece of the middle matzah set aside at the beginning of the seder (yachatz) as a substitute for the Paschal lamb and eaten at the conclusion of the meal.

haggadah Section: Urchatz