The 10 Plagues

We now pour the second cup of wine, but we do not drink from it. This glass will be for those we have left behind or who can not be with us.

As we read about the ten plagues we will take a drop of wine from out cup for each and splash it onto our plate. This represents the blood of those who suffer from powers beyond their control.

Moses and Aaron come before Pharaoh again to demanding for him to let their people go, when Pharaoh refuses. Elohim turns Aaron's staff turns into a snake that attacks Pharaoh’s sorcerors.

Pharaoh still refuses to let the Hebrews go. Moses warns him that Elohim will smite Mitzryam. Pharaoh remains impervious. So Elohim begins to send a series of plagues to Mitzryam. In the throes of each plague, Pharaoh promises to let the Israelites go; but he reneges the moment the affliction is removed.

1) Aaron strikes the Nile, the waters turn to blood;
2) Swarms of frogs overrun the land;
3) Lice infest all men and beasts. Still, Pharaoh remains stubborn;
4) Hordes of wild animals invade the cities,
5) a pestilence kills the domestic animals,
6) painful boils afflict the Mitzryamians.
7) Fire and ice combine to descend from the skies as a devastating hail. Still, "the heart of Pharaoh was hardened and he would not let the children of Israel go."

The people of Mitzryam have suffered too much. They beg Pharaoh to let the Hebrews go. When Moses comes to warn Pharaoh of the eighth plague, Pharaoh says: You say that you want to go? I'll let the men go, as long as the women and children stay behind. No, says Moses, we must all go, men women and children, cattle and herds. Pharaoh once again refuses.

The next plagues descends upon Mitzryam.
8) a swarm of locusts devours all the crops and greenery;
9) a thick, palpable darkness envelops the land.

The Israelites are instructed to bring a "Passover offering" to Elohim: a lamb or kid is to be slaughtered and its blood sprinkled on the doorposts and lintel of every Israelite home, so that the angel of death should pass over the Israelite homes as Elohim enacts the final plague.

10) all the firstborn of Mitzryam are killed at the stroke of midnight of the 15th of the month of Nissan.

The Exodus

The death of the firstborn finally breaks Pharaoh's resistance and he literally begs the Children of Israel to leave his land. They hastily depart; so hastily that there is no time for their bread dough to rise for the trip, and the only provisions they take along are unleavened.

Soon after allowing the Hebrews to depart from Mitzryam, Pharaoh chases after them to force their return, and the Israelites find themselves trapped between Pharaoh's armies and the sea. Elohim tells Moses to raise his staff over the water; the sea splits to allow the Israelites to pass through, and then closes over the pursuing soldiers of Pharaoh’s army.

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues