This story begins

On the banks of the Nile,

Pharoah’s daughter found a baby,

Little dude made her smile.

She sneaked him into her crib,

Called him Moses by name,

Brought him up as her own,

Kept on runnin’ dat game.

Mo was a Prince,

And a fine one, they said,

Then he learned he was Jewish,

Man, that messed with his head.

So he went to the Pharoah,

Told him, Pops, this ain’t right,

You made the Jews slaves,

You gotta free them tonight.

(Chorus: )

And Moses said to Pharoah

Now I’m telling you, bro,

You’d better let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let my people go.


 (all sing)

Let my people go.

Let my people go.

But Pharoah said. “Mo,

Kid, get out of my face,

The Jews stayin’ put,

Don’t you be pitchin’ their case.”

Mo said, “Aw ite,

You wanna throw down like dat,

Ten plagues on their way,

They gonna knock you down flat.”

Did Pharoah cave in?

Na, the man  was like steel.

Bring it on, Mr. Savior,

‘Cause I know I can deal.

(Chorus: )

And Moses said to Pharoah

Now I’m telling you, bro,

You’d better let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let my people go.


(all sing)

Let my people go.

Let my people go.

Boils and Hail,

And Frogs on dey head,

Locusts and Darkness

And the Nile turning red.

First borns gotta die,

Every son of a mother,

Except for the Jews,

As that cloud passed them over.


Pharoah watched his son die,

Finally set the Jews free,

Then he ordered his army,

“Drive them into the sea!”

(Chorus: )

And Moses said to Pharoah

Now I’m telling you, bro,

You’d better let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let my people go.


(all sing)

Let my people go.

Let my people go.

The Jews was backed up,

Didn’t know what to do,

Then Mo split the water,

And his homeys walked through.

So here we are now

All these many years later,

Retelling this story,

At the Passover Seder.

And why, you might ask,

Must we do this each year?

Ask them fo’ questions,

And lean back in dat chair?

We’re here to remember,

For the sake of the kids,

‘Cause deep in your soul,

You got to know who you is!

(Chorus: )

And Moses said to Pharoah

Now I’m telling you, bro,

You’d better let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let, let my people go.


(all sing)

Let my people go.

Let my people go.

One mo’…

(all sing)

Let my people go.

C’mon, give it up…

(all sing)

Let my people go-o-o-o!

Written by Craig Heller


haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story
Source: By Craig Heller