Purim, Purim, Purim lano, Pasah, Pasah, ala mano

Las masmam si stan faziendo, Los japrakis si stan koziendo

aman, aman, aman, aman, Il dio bendicho mos da mazal

aman, aman, aman, aman, Il dio bendicho mos da mazal.

Purim, Purim, Purim lano, Pesah, Pesah ala mano

La nona sta diziendo a los nyetos, Alimpia il puelvo kantones i loz techos...

Purim, Purim, Purim lano, Pesah, Pesah ala mano

Il Sinyor Rubi disho a las tiyas, No kumer il pan ocho diyas....

Purim has ended, Passover is at hand,

matzot are being made, the japrakis (stuffed leaves) are being cooked,

Amen, almighty God grants us good fortune.

Purim, Purim, Purim has ended, Passover is at hand,

The grandmother tells her grandchildren, To clean the dust in the corners and ceilings...

Purim, Purim, Purim has ended, Passover, Passover is at hand,

The Rabbi tells the aunts, Not to eat bread for eight days....

haggadah Section: Songs