עָזִּי וְזִמְרָת יָהּ, וַיְהִי-לִי לִישׁוּעָה

God is my strength and song, and for me he is my salvation

Alli en el Midbar

Alli en el midbar vide arrelumbrar, Las tablas de la Ley vide abaxar

Y mirad que sinor es Moxe Rabbenu, que subio y abaxo a los altos cielos.

Los malakhim del cielo lo queren quemar, nacido de mujer, que buxca en santedad?

Y mirad...

Los malakhim del cielo tienen por el celo, basar v a'dam, que buxca en el cielo?

Y mirad...

There in the desert I saw burning, i saw the Tablets of the Law being brought down

And see, the man is Moses our teacher, Who went up and came down from the Heavens above.

The angels of Heaven want to burn him, Born of woman, why does he seek holiness?

And see,....

The angels of Heaven are jealous of him, A man of flesh and blood, what doe he seek in Heaven?

And see,....

haggadah Section: Songs
Source: Ozi V'zimrat Ya