Seder  literally translates to order. There is a specific order of the night tonight, so here is our table of contents so you know what to expect!

  1. Kadesh / pour first cup of wine

  2. Urchatz / handwashing (no blessing!)

  3. Karpas / parsley → hopefulness of spring 

  4. Yachatz / break and hide afikomen

  5. Maggid / second cup

  6. Rachtzah / second hand washing

  7. Motzi / blessing specifically for eating unleavened bread

  8. Matzah / bless the matzah 

  9. Maror / bitter herbs

  10. Korech / hillel sandwich 

  11. Shulchan orech / eat!

  12. Tzafun / search for afikomen

  13. Barech / berkat amazon

  14. Hallel / fourth cup

  15. Nirtzah / "L'shanah haba'a b'irushalayim!"

haggadah Section: Introduction