קדש | Kadeish | SANCTIFY: blessing over the first cup of wine

ורחץ - Ur’chatz | WASH the hands

כרפס | Karpas | Recite the blessing over a GREEN VEGETABLE

יחץ |Yachatz | BREAK the middle matzah

מגיד | Magid | TELL the Exodus story

רחצה | Rochtzah | WASH the hands

מוציא/מצה | Motzi /Matzah | Recite the Blessing over MATZAH

מרור | Maror | Recite the blessings over BITTER HERBS

כורך | Koreich | Eat the Hillel sandwich

שלחן עורך | Shulchan Oreich | The MEAL is served

צפון | Tzafun | The AFIKOMAN is found and shared

ברך | Bareich | Recite the BLESSING after meals

הלל | Hallel | Recite poems and songs of PRAISE

נרצה | Nirtzah | The seder is COMPLETE

haggadah Section: Introduction