kadesh: make kiddush 

urchatz: we wash our hands.

karpas: we eat celery dipped in salt water to remember the tears. 

yachatz: we break the matzah in half and hide one half of it as the afikoman. 

maggid: tell the story.

rachtzah: wash our hands without a prayer 

motzi: after kiddush, say a prayer on the matzah as our motzi 

matzah: eat matzah 

maror: we eat bitter herbs 

korech: sandwich with maror and matzah 

shulcan orech: eat the good, holiday meal

tzafun - find the afikoman and eat it

barech - say Birkat Hamazon

halell - we sing Hallel

nirtzah - We ask that God accepts what we did during the Seder

haggadah Section: Introduction