Let us add a fifth question to this year's Seder.  Let us ask ourselves:

How can we make this year different from all other years?

This year, let us recommit to our sacred responsibility to protect the stranger, the poor and the vulnerable:

  • When tasting the matzah, the bread of poverty, let us find ways to help the poor and the hungry.
  • When eating the maror, the bitter herbs, let us commit to help those whose lives are embittered by discrimination, persecution and hate.
  • When spilling wine from our glasses to mourn the Egyptians suffering during the 10 plagues, let us pledge to aid those who suffer modern afflictions--from HIV/AIDS to Ebola.
  • When reclining in celebration of our freedom, let us seek opportunities to help those who are still oppressed today.

haggadah Section: -- Four Questions
Source: AJWS--Global Justice Haggadah