Seders don't end, at least not in the traditional sense. We must come to a conclusion, but not an ending, as the work of freedom is never truly done. We hope that the lessons of this evening have been absorbed, and the rituals accepted; we may as well go see if Elijah has come to visit us now, before we leave off with the ceremony.

And look! It has been drunk. Elijah has visited, a sign that redemption will come someday, even if it isn't here yet.

At this time we say L'shanah haba'ah b'Yerushalayim, or "next year in Jerusalem." But not literal Jerusalem; instead, consider it a perfect time and place, where the world is at harmony, where those who are oppressed are freed. Every year we say next year, as every year we renew our hope and our commitment to doing the work of tikkun olam.

So to that end, we say "next year in Jersey City," where we will hopefully gather again to relive the magic of Passover.

haggadah Section: Nirtzah