Next Year in Jerusalem / Next Year in Person!

Cathy Tasman. 2021. New Beginings. [Fabric]

Artist Statement: Using only remnants of fabric and threads, it gave me much joy to create a whole when before there was nothing. This piece began fifty years ago from my fabric scraps and embroidery thread, but was just completed recently incorporating hand dyed yarn saved from twenty years ago. In this stitched composition, there are many threads and fabric scraps that have come together with love to create something where there was nothing before.
So may our diverse beliefs and cultures come together and seek to establish a bond in spirit with each other, full of tolerance, compassion, hope and peace.

As we pray , “ year in Jerusalem”, let this be not only the conclusion to the Seder ceremony , but a beginning for all who hope.

Artist Bio: Cathy Goldstein Tasman received her BFA, summa cum laude, from Newcomb College of Tulane University, spending one year at the Exeter College of Art, Exeter, England. She received  her MFA from the University of Kentucky.  She has participated in exhibits at the Speed Museum, The Louisville Visual Arts Association and other shows. Her main focus has been printmaking in addition to interests in painting, drawing, collage and paper making and fiber arts. She has taught art in schools for children kindergarten through middle school age. She has been active as a volunteer in anti-stigma work for mental illness and is a past president of the American Psychiatry Association Alliance, receiving a special Presidential Commendation  from the American Psychiatry Association. She is a past board member of the Temple in Louisville, KY, where she worked on redesigning the Bima decor and furniture. She lives in Louisville, KY and is the mother of three adult children and a proud grandmother. 

haggadah Section: Conclusion