Chag Sameach -- Hebrew for "Have a happy holiday!"

Chag Pesach Sameach -- Hebrew for "Happy Passover!"

Afikomen -- From a Greek word meaning "dessert." Piece of matzah hidden during the course of the seder, found after dinner, and eaten as a dessert at the end of the meal.

Barekh -- Saying the Birkat Hamazon, the prayer after the meal. Traditionally the 12th step of the seder.

Beitzah -- Hebrew for "egg." On the seder plate to symbolize rebirth.

Chad Gadya -- Aramaic for "one goat." The last song sung at the end of the seder. Tells the story of the little goat a father bought for a pittance.

Dayeinu -- Hebrew for "enough for us." A song sung that tells of all the miracles G-d performed for the Israelites.

Exodus -- The deliverance/freeing of the Israelites from Egypt.

Haggadah -- Hebrew for "telling" or "recounting." A book used to tell the story of the Exodus at the seder. There are many versions, and you can also make your own.

Hallel -- Psalms of praise are sung. Traditionally the 13th step of the seder.

Hametz -- Bread or any food that has been leavened or contains a leavening agent. Prohibited on Passover.

Haroset -- A sweet mixture of nuts, wine, and apples on the seder plate that symbolizes the mortar used by slaves in Egypt.

Kaddish -- Blessing over the wine. Traditionally the 1st step of the seder.

Karpas -- A piece of greenery (such as parsley) is dipped into salt water and then eaten. Symbolizes the tears of the Israelites. Traditionally the 3rd step of the seder.

Korekh -- Bitter herbs are eaten together with a piece of matzah. Traditionally the 9th step of the seder.

Maggid -- Recounting the story of the Exodus. Traditionally the 5th step of the seder, and the most substantial.

Maror -- Bitter herbs, usually horseradish. Symbolizes the bitterness of life under Egyptian rule. Traditionally the 8th step of the seder.

Matzah -- Unleavened bread. According to the story, the Israelites ate matzah right before they left Egypt. Today, matzah is eaten during Passover to commemorate the Exodus from Egypt.

Motzi Matzah -- Eating a piece of matzah. Traditionally the 7th step of the seder.

Nirtzah -- Concluding the night by saying "Next year in Jerusalem." Traditionally the 14th, and final step, of the seder.

Pesach -- Hebrew for "pass over."

Rahtza -- Washing hands for a second time and reciting the blessing. Traditionally the 6th step of the seder.

Seder -- Hebrew for "order." Passover ritual where family and friends gather on the first on or two nights of Passover to retell the story of the Exodus. The story is told in a particular order, with specific rituals.

Shulhan Orekh -- The meal is served! Traditionally the 10th step of the seder.

Tzafun -- Finding the afikoman and eating it for dessert. Traditionally the 11th step of the seder.

Urchatz -- First time washing hands but no blessing is recited. Traditionally the 2nd step of the seder.

Yahatz -- Breaking the middle piece of matzah in half. Eat one half and the other becomes the Afikomen. Traditionally the 4th step of the seder.

Zeroa -- Shank bone. The bone is placed on the seder plate and recalls the blood on the doorposts and the terror and the anticipation of the night of the plague of the first born.

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: adapted from: