Miriam's Cup

Jen Berger. 2021.

Artist Statement: There are many legends about Miriam’s Well. It is said to have been a magical source of water that followed the Israelites for 40 years because of the merit of Miriam. The waters of this well were said to be healing and sustaining. Thus Miriam’s Cup is a symbol of all that sustains us through our own journeys. - www.myjewishlearning.com 

Miriam carries the jug of water on her head. The water symbolizes the source of water for Jews in the desert, and the nourishment and sustenance that both water, and women, bring to a community. The weight of the jug on her head symbolizes the weight that women often carry in this world to provide and support our loved ones. 

Artist Bio: Jen Berger works as an interdisciplinary, community, and socially engaged artist and educator. Jen uses street, stage and guerilla theater, visual arts, painting, printmaking, puppetry, video for education, and dialogue to raise awareness and intervene in social issues that affect us all. Jen works as a teaching artist, working with students, from early childhood through adults, and hosts creative and educational workshops throughout the community to engage in dialogue and action.  Along with individually designed projects, Jen is creating community engagement opportunities through her new project ‘At the Root. She is currently adjunct faculty at the Community College of Vermont and Champlain College.

haggadah Section: Hallel