Mighty Moses

(Sung to "Davy Crocket")

Found by the princess on the shores of the Nile

Brought up Egyptian for a little while

Always remembered that he was a Jew

And to his people, he was always true.

Moses, Mighty Moses!

Leader of the Jewish pioneers.

Came before Pharaoh, many years ago

Said to him, "Pharaoh let my people go!"

For if you don't your people will suffer

And day by day, it's gonna get tougher

Moses, Mighty Moses!

Leader of the Jewish pioneers.

Into the wilderness from Egypt of old,

Came mighty Moses, so brave and so bold.

With outstretched arm and a wave of his hand,

He parted the sea and crossed on dry land.

Moses, Mighty Moses!

Leader of the Jewish pioneers.

He led them on for forty long years,

He bound their wounds and dried their tears

He gave them manna from the Lord's own hand

And pointed the way to the promised land

Moses, Mighty Moses!

Leader of the Jewish pioneers.

Up Mount Sinai Moses did climb,

Left his people for Aaron to mind;

He was not afraid though the thunder did roar

And brought back the commandments  forevermore.

Moses, Mighty Moses!

Leader of the Jewish pioneers.

haggadah Section: Songs