Here, in this cloth, we have traditionally put three matzahs. There are a number of explanations for what the number three represents here:

  • The three measures of fine meal used by Sarah to bake cakes for the three angels visiting Abraham;

  • The three categories of Jews today: Kohen, Levi, and Yisrael; and

  • The three patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

Years ago, we included a fourth matzah to represent our solidarity with Soviet Jewry, who were persecuted, but not allowed to leave the Soviet Union. The practice ended when they were finally allowed to leave.

Today, I am adding a fourth matzah to express solidarity with those who are victims of sectarian violence throughout the world.

May those who have been harmed, recover fully.

May the memory of those who have died, be a blessing.

haggadah Section: Yachatz
Source: Joseph Levenstein