Remembrance-- The Third Cup of Wine - Let us all now fill our glasses with wine.

Memories at the Seder Table

There is no seder table without it. A cup of wine set for Elijah, who will arrive on Passover night. And lead us into a new era of human existence. This cup is not drink, it is a cup of memory, a cup of retelling and a cup of hope. There is no seder night without them.

They crowd around our tables we set with their china. They watch us with eyes that know eternity. They nod and smile at our achievements. They whisper their mazel tovs to us. They delight in our children. They are our family and friends who are now a part of our memories.

They never fail to make their appearance at our Seder.

There is no seder without their stories. We retell our jewish story and we tell their stories, and repeat their jokes and laugh double laughter for them and for us.

For us there is no seder without them, without memory and without hope.

Prayer over the third cup of wine:

Ba-ruch a-tah A-do- nai, E-lo- hey-nu Me-lech ha-o- lam, Bo-rey p’-ri ha-ga- fen

All drink third cup of wine.

haggadah Section: Bareich