The Medium is the Matzo

The Medium is the Matzo is Melissa Shiff's multi-media Passover installation. This installation is a three dimensional Haggadah made with over 5000 pieces of matzo. This image is the invitation to the exhibit. The exhibition was shown in New York at NYU as well as in Montreal at Concordia University. With this installation Shiff took visitors on a journey out of Egypt, starting in the 10 Plagues space, moving through the Matzo Mitzrayim tunnel and into to the Elijah lounge where participants could recline on a sea of 500 pillows and quench their desert thirst at the Miriam Bar. The installation culminated at the Matzo Ball Activist corner where visitors could by a Matzo Ball Activist Kit filled with readings from Arthur Waskow's Freedom Seder. To read more about the exhibition and to view more images please visit the Medium is the Matzo page as Shiff's website.

haggadah Section: Cover