Maztah is crunchy and it's not yummy to the tongue

And it must be served young

Only 18 minutes can it sit in the oven

You only bless three, but you can eat a dozen

Begin with hamotzi on all three

Then place the bottom on the table, which all agree

Say alchilat matzah on the two left

And then take a bite from the bread of the oppressed

This is the bread of poverty

It does not belong at a party

However make sure you do not eat less than a kezayit- the size of an olive

Be aware, a piece from both you must give

At the same time in your mouth they must be

But there is no need to swallow both at once, you see?

Can you not chew both at once?

Don’t worry you are not a dunce!

Listen here and I will tell you what to do

You take from the top, in lieu

From the second you then take

And must swallow in 2 to 9 minutes, or be a snake!

If you do not have teeth like poor old Aunt Betty

That’s ok! Just soak the matzah and you’ll be steady!

Eat your matzah while reclining

Because if you don’t, another piece must you be dining

Before halachic midnight you must partake

If you don’t you are a fake!

But to make up for your mistake

Eat it without alchilat, and enjoy your flakes!

Did you know the three mazot each have a name?

The top most is named cohen

Because they have higher rank, by just a tat

Now what’s up with that?

The middle matzah, Levi is what we call it

This is the matzah that we split

The Afikomen is made from the larger

And the mitzvah is take from the smaller, did you know that partner?

The bottom matzah is Israelite

Used for Korech, so now don’t take a bite.

So the question still stands,

Are three matzot what Hashem commands?

Like all other yom tovs we have two full pieces

But on passover, the number increases?!

So listen here, and I will tell you

The answer to this mystery, so you can have some knowledge that is new!

We have 3 matzot, a forefather for each

Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov, that’s easy to teach

But wait, there’s more!

Remember when we did sacrifices before?

Well for each sacrifice occasion

We have a matzat, this ain’t a difficult equation.

Now there was a man, Gaon of Vilna he was called

Who only used 2 matzot, is anyone appalled?

He followed the Rishonims’ laws

Left one whole, and split the other. Can you believe it? I’m in awe

I hope you enjoyed my story

In all of its glory!

haggadah Section: Motzi-Matzah