There are many things that motivate our people, fear of God, our strive for equality, but most significant are our stomachs. Food is essential for survival and the growth of nations. When there was a severe drought and resulting famine in the land of Canaan, Jacob and his 11 Children went to Egypt to survive the famine. They were greeted by their brother, Joseph who they thought dead, and were welcomed by him. Joseph was a magistrate in the Egyptian court and helped secure a future for his family. Generations later, the Egyptians grew weary and distrustful of the Israelites and so they forced them into slavery, building new Egyptian cities. This is where the story of Passover starts.

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: Exodus 1:22, Exodus 6:6, Exodus 6:8, Exodus 12:1-20, Exodus 13:3