
Maror is a very bitter herb that we eat on passover. The reason that we eat maror on passover is because it symbolizes the feeling of bitterness that the Jews had when they were slaves in Egypt. Maror is also use full when you have a cold. It really helps to clean out you're nose. That's not why we eat mar or on Passover though. When we eat maror we dip it in charoset. The charosit symbolizes the bricks that the Jews made and used to build the pyramids. I do not know why we have to eat maror though. I personally think that the Egyptians should have to eat the maror because they were the ones that tortured the Jews while they were in Egypt. I reallly wish that we did not have to eat maror on passover but it is really important that we do. Even though we are celebrating the Jews leaving Egypt and it is really happy it is really important that we remember the pain and suffering that the Jews had when thay were slaves in Egypt. That is why It is important that we eat maror on passover even though we are celebrating a happy occasion.

haggadah Section: Maror