5. Magid / Telling the story Scene 

With maggid we tell the story, The exodus from degradation to dignity, M'g'nut l'shevach, From slavery to freedom. Each of us is to tell this story and we who do so at length are surely to be praised. But this collective story of the journey from slavery to freedom is not the entirety of the tale. Each of us bears our own stories which relate our journeys, our paths to freedom. If each of us must relate our people's story all the more so should we be praised for continuing the story adding the individual strands which make our identity, which explain our journeys. To journey is to prepare, to leave, to travel, to wander and wonder. To journey is to arrive, to accustom, to question, to change, to remain as we were, yet touched by the journey. What are our journeys from slavery to liberation from alienation to community from afar to within from foreign to familiar from anxiety to comfort from narrow spaces to expanse? As we answer, we continue maggid. We tell our stories. (Lisa S. Greene)


Go around prompt:

Moment of silence for modern day plagues or whatever you might want to reflect on.


haggadah Section: Maggid - Beginning
Source: Lisa S. Greene