The Jewish people had been slaves in Egypt for two hundred and ten years. Finally it was time to leave slavery and Egypt with the leadership of Moshe Rabeinu. The Jews were told the night before that they would be leaving and they had to put the blood of a lamb on their doorposts so that the Angel of Death would not come to their home. They made bread for the journey but it did not have time to rise. It was flat, this is why we eat Matzah. The Jews followed Moshe out of Egypt but the Egyptians followed them to the Red Sea. Everyone was terrified. But Moshe held up his staff, and Nachson ben Aminadav, bravely entered into the water. As he did so, the Sea parted to allow all to cross. The Jews started to go through the Sea. As they crossed, the Egyptians chased after them. But the sea engulfed the Egyptians. The Jews made it and were saved.

As they got to the other side, the women led by Miriam sang a song of joy and freedom.

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story