Kol Dichfin - Let All Who Are Hungry Enter and Eat: Whom would you like to have invited or included in your Seder this year? Is there a story about or from that person that you can retell? While the social isolation this year prevents us from inviting into our home anyone who is hungry to come and eat, it is still a time to consider those in need. Whom might we want to help nourish, and how?

The act of giving brings joy to the giver, not only to the recipient. How can we be extra welcoming to those who are in our home (ourselves included)? When during this year did you take part in or witness generous giving? Ahavah, the Hebrew word for love, is related to the word hav, which means “give.” How might you grow love for others and for yourself through generosity?

haggadah Section: Maggid - Beginning