We set an intentionality for our Seder.

Each of us have had a long week of work, weariness, wear and tear. Imagine that the setting sun is a sponge that washes away and absorbs the schmutz of the week.  With our next breath, we let the mystery of the darkness rinse it all away as we relax into our journey together, and imagine ourselves in a timeless place where we can remember the past and imagine the future.  

It was evening, it was morning, the sixth day. The heaven and earth were finished in all their array. On the seventh day, God finished the work of the week, and stopped. God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it of the cessation of all the work of creation that had been done.

.ברך אתה יי אלוהנו מלך בעולם בוריא פרי הגפן.

haggadah Section: Kadesh