Action: Take some parsley, and dip it into salt water

Mother: B'oruch atah Adonai Eloheynu Melech ha-olam borey pree ha- adamah.

Blessed art Thou, O Eternal, our GOD, Creator of the fruits of the earth.

Let us all partake of Karpas.

What does the parsley and salt water represent?

It is a mixture of positive and negative, the contrasting elements serve to remind us that life is often a confusing mixture of joy and sorrow, of bitter endings and sweet new beginnings.  It is not our goal to eliminate the negative experiences and pretend that life is all sweetness and happiness.  That is a futile task and finally dishonest.  Rather our goal is to rejoice in the fact that God works in all the circumstances of life, just as he heard the cries of slaves and brought deliverance.

haggadah Section: Karpas