Karpas, the green herb, represents spring, joy and freedom: the color in our lives. The salt water represents tears: the pain and suffering. These two things are forever intertwined. We dip the spring herb into the water to remind ourselves that our joy is built on the tears of the past. To remind us of the struggle that proceeded our freedom.

It is also reminder that while there is still suffering and bondage in the world, there truly is no freedom. In Jewish mysticism, the act of dipping is a sign of negation and humility. In fact, the Hebrew word for “dipping,”טיבול, is an anagram for the Hebrew word ביטול, “nullification or negation.”

This moment is unique in the celebration in that we do not say a prayer before we eat, it is a moment for silence and reflection.

Although we are celebrating our freedom, we know that there is much more work to be done. As we celebrate the exodus from one exile, we pray for the exodus from all.

haggadah Section: Karpas