The Kadesh:  

Reader 3:  The Kadesh is the blessing of the fruit of the vine. In much of the world, this time of the year is Springtime, the season of new growth and new life, a time of renewal and rebirth.  It is a blessing of hope.  While it is not Springtime in South Africa, we bless that for which we have faith will come, a blessing for that which is unseen. 

The First Cup of Wine—to that which is unseen

Reader 4:  Let us fill our cups and toast the first of the four traditional cups of wine.  At this time we fill a special cup for Elijah, who may join us later tonight.

We dedicate this cup of wine to the Spring which is unseen, to the time of rebirth we have faith will come.  

All:  Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech ha-olamborei p’re ha-gafen.  

Blessed are You, Eternal One, creator of the fruit of the vine.  

haggadah Section: Kadesh