We are about to discover ourselves in stories that may or may not have taken place. We'll learn truths about life and ourselves even though the stories told may not be true at all. Great fiction or poetry may not be true in and of itself however that does not mean there is no truth within.

So what is this great truth that we are about to discover and why do we make a big deal of it? It is the truth about Freedom.

Freedom from something or someone.


Freedom to be or do something.

While personal freedom is greatly treasured we often may experience restrain when someone else's freedom infringes on ours and vice versa. Where is the limit of personal freedom? Who owns the concept of freedom and why do some feel that they have the better definition by which the rest of is should live?

As we go through the seder tonight and hopefully walk away with a clearer sense of who we truly are free to be, may we carry a mindfulness and awareness of these insights throughout the week of pesach.

Lastly, while freedom is at the center of pesach, may we also experience a sense of gratitude and compassion.

Gratitude because we live in a time and place where we are free to chose how we want to experience life.

Compassion for anyone that finds themselves in a state of slavery, migration and despair.

- Jonathan Khorsandi

haggadah Section: Introduction