You may now drink the first cup of wine. This represents the blood that they spilled. Akhenaton made the Jews fight against the Assyrians and their king, Ashurbanipal, and a few rebels. "Go, losers, Go!" Akhenaton cackled. "That rotten apple" Moses muttered. Ashurbanipal knew what Akhenaton was doing, so he comanded his army not to fight. But the rebels fought anyway, and killed two-thirds of the Jews. But Moses led them to kill the rebels, Jason, a Jew said to Moses, "Why are we fighting? We are peacful!" Moses replied that he didn't know. After the battle, Akhenaton said "You fight like girls!" "That's offensive!" Kela, a Jewish Woman, yelled. "You scumbag, we kill rebels for you, and you scold us, you are just a wimp yourself!" Akhenaton threw Kela, Jason, and Moses into the ocean. Moses cut the ropes, but it was too late. Akhenaton was already gone. 

haggadah Section: Kadesh
Source: original