JEWBU Meditation for Passover Readiness

Deep Breath

Kadesh - Blessings over the Wine

Breathing in - I taste the sweetness of celebrating freedom

Breathing out - I am and everyone at my table is holy Sweetness, Holiness


Deep Breath

Urchatz - Washing Hands

Breathing in - I feel the water purifying my hands

Breathing out - I wash away all that is holding me back I am pure, I am free


Deep Breath

Karpas - Green Vegetables

Breathing in - The springtime is coming

Breathing out - I celebrate this renewal Springtime, renewal


Deep Breath

Yachatz - Breaking of the Matzah

Breathing in - I know that there is a crack in everything

Breathing out - I know that through these cracks the light gets in. Cracks, Flowing Light


Deep Breath

Magid - Telling the Story

Breathing in – Through stories we learn

Breathing out – Through stories we connect Learning, Connecting


Deep Breath

Rachtza - Second Washing

Breathing in – Water brings health and life

Breathing out – Washing prepares me for mindful consumption Health and Life, Mindful Consumption


Deep Breath

Motzei Matzah - Blessing over the meal

Breathing in - I know that the food we eat is a gift

Breathing out – May I merit it by eating it mindfully Gratitude, Mindfulness


Deep Breath

Maror - Bitter Herb

Breathing in – I know that not everyone is lucky enough to enjoy such a meal

Breathing out – I know that others still suffer the bitterness of bondage Compassion, Sharing


Deep Breath

Korech - The Sandwich

Breathing in – I enjoy each creation for its uniqueness

Breathing out – I enjoy the magic when creation works together Uniqueness, Magical together


Deep Breath

Shulchan Orekh - The Festive Meal

Breathing in – I taste each bite as it nourishes my body

Breathing out – I enjoy each person that I am privileged to celebrate with

Tasting each bite, Enjoying my company


Deep Breath

Tzafun - The Hidden Matzah or the Afikomen

Breathing in – I know that sometimes I keep the best parts of myself hidden

Breathing out – When I reveal myself I can bringing joy to the world

The best parts of myself, bringing joy


Deep Breath

Barech - The Blessing After Meal Breathing in – I have eaten and I am satisfied

Breathing out – I bless the oneness who gives me life Eaten and Satisfied, Blessing Oneness


Deep Breath

Hallel and Nirtzah - Songs of Praise

Breathing in – From my place of constriction I call to the Holy Oneness

Breathing out - The Holy Oneness answers with expanse and openness Holy Oneness, Openness


Deep Breath



haggadah Section: Introduction