I HATE the 4 questions

I don't know what it is about them but they always make my skin crawl.  Its not that I have to sing them, I haven't been the youngest grandchild at the Seder since I was 3 years old, its the expectation that accompanies them.  To me, it always feel like there is a need to perform when this part of the 'service' comes around.

We often, nowadays, do something crazy, we create a "band" of grandchildren (or we try to at least) but still the pressure to succeed persists.  When the family gathers together there is often a burden placed upon the children, to be the best behaved, to not make a fuss, no matter what age the child is, there is always something more they could do.  

This year, lets sing the 4 questions together, because no matter what age you are, there is always more that you can learn.

haggadah Section: -- Four Questions