How thankful must we be to God, for all the good that the Omnipresent did for us.

Had God brought us out from Egypt and not executed judgment against the Egyptians,
It would have been enough! Dayenu!

Had God executed judgment against the Egyptians and not destroyed their idols,
It would been enough! Dayenu!

Had God destroyed their idols and not slain their firstborn,
It would been enough! Dayenu!

Had God slain their first born and not given us their property,
It would have been enough!, Dayenu!

Had God given us their property and not divided the sea,
It would have been enough! Dayenu!

Had God divided the sea for us and not brought us through dry-shod,
It would have been enough! Dayenu!

Had God brought us through dry-shod and not drowned our oppressors in the sea,
It would have been enough! Dayenu!

Had God drowned our oppressors in the sea and not sustained us in the desert for forty years,
It would have been enough! Dayenu!

Had God sustained us in the desert for forty years and not fed us manna,
It would have been enough Dayenu!

Had God fed us manna and not given us the Sabbath,
It would have been enough! Dayenu!

Had God given us the Sabbath and not brought us to mount Sinai,
It would have been enough! Dayenu!

Had God brought us to Mount Sinai, and not given us the Torah,
It would have been enough! Dayenu!

Had God given us the Torah and not brought us in the land of Israel,
It would have been enough! Dayenu!

Had God brought us into the Land of Israel and not built for us the Holy Temple,
It would have been enough! Dayenu!

How much more so do we have to be thankful for the manifold and unbounded blessings of the Omnipresent God.

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu