How can we say this Pesach all are invited to come for a seder?This year, due to the Corona Virus outbreak, we are all supposed to be alone in our home for Pesach. We are unable to have guests at our Seder.

The הגדה of מעשה ניסים from the נתיבת המשפט, asks a similar question.

To answer, we begins by asking: “Why was it written in Aramaic?”

Since, it was written after the destruction after the בית המקדש, we are still in גלות, what are we celebrating?

He answers, that it is bad if someone who was in jail was uncertain if he would ever get out.  However, if the other the person knows that he will get out one day, he is happy. This person already invited his guests. Why is this person inviting guests if he is unable to host them. This person knows that we will get out.

The paragraph ends next year we will be free. Hashem put us back in גלות with a guarantee that we will be let out. Similarly, we have the believe that this situation will end.

Out invitation of guests this year symbolizes our belief that ultimately we will be able to host them as this crisis will come to an end.


We all believe in ה'. Similarly, there is no atheist in a foxhole. However, there is a difference between אמונה and ביטחון.

אמונה is belief and ביטחון is trust.

Theחזון איש  says that אמונה is believe that ה' created the world, belief in an abstract way. However, ביטחון is personal. To believe in a personal way. The person of ביטחון is guided by him, strengthened by him.

דוד המלך said that to believe in ה' is similar to believe in  ה'during war. On the other hand, to have ביטחון is believe that everything that happens is from ה'. Not to believe that everything is good, but to believe that it is from ה'.

Rav Beiberman, quotes from the תשבש who quotes from a גמ in פסחים, that during difficult times, one should not walk in the middle of the street, however during normal times don’t walk on the side roads rather walk in the middle of the road.

What does this mean? 

During good times we must act with good proportions. The golden road of the רמב"ם. However, during a מגפה one needs to watch himself, and during hard times one must increase his שמחה. Stay away from worrying and sadness. We should have fear of ה' not of the plague.

How is the night different from all other nights.

This year we are all in isolation.

We need to do תשובה

The רמב"ם tells us that the reason why ה' wants these other religions in the world is that the concept of משיח will be known already to the whole world.

This crisis, teaches us that the entire world can change in a short period of time.

We learned that there is a time when it is both שבת and יום טוב. Perhaps we can also say, that צרכי שבת נעשה ביום טוב, that this year, if we can overcome our tendency for sadness, we can have שמחה on יום טוב that will be the צורך of the יום שכולו שבת.

We need to be בטח בדד. We need to have ביטחון during this dark time.

haggadah Section: Maggid - Beginning