Introduction: Lighting the Candles and Shehecheyanu


In every generation, Pharoah. In every generation, Freedom. 

Tonight, we gather to tell the story of the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt, and their redemption by God from slavery. This is only one of many stories of persecution and oppression, and tonight we celebrate our freedoms and remember and acknowledge those who have come before us. 

The Passover story has long provided inspiration and hope to peoples fighting for their freedom. The Jewish people have experienced many periods of persecution, from the Exodus, the Spanish Expulsion, Russian pogroms, the Holocaust, and the antisemitism that is still present today. History has taught us, and current events remind us, that our position is never truly secure. 

In every generation, our people experience both oppression and liberation. Our journey has both direction and destination--to a place where freedom is proclaimed for all. 

Kindling the Festival Lights:

As the darkness descends, we welcome in the Festival of Pesach, of Passover. As we kindle these lights, we remember that our ancestors discovered freedom in the midst of their dark final night in Egypt. Let the candles we now light be a reflection of the light that shines in each and every one of us, and let that light radiate throughout our home tonight and always. 

(The candles are lit.)

Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha-Olam asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu l'hadlik neir shel Shabbat v'shel Yom Tov.

Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the Universe, who has sanctified us with laws and commanded us to light the Shabbat and festival lights.

As we light the festival candles, we acknowledge that as they brighten our Passover table, good thoughts, good words, and good deeds brighten our days.


Tonight we gather together for the first time, and so we recite this prayer as a celebration of being together with family and friends. 

Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech haolam, shehechehyanu, v'kiy'manu, v'higianu laz'man hazeh.

Praise to You, Adonai our God, Ruler of universe, for giving us life, sustaining us, and enabling us to reach this season.

haggadah Section: Introduction