Since the 200d ages, the Haggadah has been around, confusing millions of Jews worldwide around the passover time. Yes, I hope you can read it, but do you really understand whats written? There may be english translations but most of them are written in Shakesphearian, and no one understands that. “Thou shall split the sea on said day at said time” What does that mean? This Haggadah will help confused Jews understand the confusing story of Passover, with Commentary, and a bit of humour.

The Haggadah tells the story of the Jews in exodus from Egypt. There are many stories and commentary by famous wise Rabbis and some commentary by 4 young children. Exciting, right? In the Haggadah, there is a part for everyone to speak, sing, explain and talk about opinions, and especially eat.

The Haggadah fulfills the mitzvah of telling the story of passover from generation to generation. We read the story and discuss it together. Hopefully everyone knows how to speak the same language.  Different families have different traditions and ways of telling the story. Some act it out, some sing it and others tell the story and let the children add on about what they learnt about it at school and at synagogue.

We use the haggadah during the passover seders which are the first and second nights of passover. They are the guide to the clueless jews that don’t know how to conduct a seder and want to impress their father in law… Normally, we only have to remember the story all year round. But for the 2 seder nights, we have to tell the story and explain it to others.

The difference between saying and remembering is that for remembering, we have to remind ourselves about how we left egypt. And to say, is when we tell the story from our memory and from our haggadahs, and sing the songs and make sure that the others at the table can tell it to the next generation when they conduct their seders in years to come.  The telling is so much more active that just remembering. Tonight, everyone’s involved and can include their opinions and ideas instead of only one memory and opinion.

haggadah Section: Introduction