Pesach celebrates the Israelites' exodus from slavery in Egypt. We are commanded to teach the Pesach story to each generation to preserve our history, celebrate our freedom, mourn our persecution, and recall our responsibility to fight for those who face oppression and inequity in the world today.

May we also take the opportunity to honor our personal liberation. Throughout our lifetimes - including the past year - we persevered in the face of great adversity, triumphed over what once held us captive, and insisted on moving forward when other forces urged us to stay put.

The Seder is a chance for us to process our grief, sorrow, anxiety, joy, resilience, and hope as a people, in our communities, and as individuals. Let us reflect on where we started and where we are today. May our introspection motivate us to pursue freedom for all people as a light unto the nations.

May we never be lazy in the work of peace.

haggadah Section: Introduction