At Passover (Pesach) we receive a personal directive to create an inclusive and welcoming community.  Even when we intend to be welcoming, many in our communities feel like strangers.  The things that divide us-race, religion, ethnicity, gender, class among others-also have the power to unite us.  During the Seder we are each meant to remember that we ourselves were once strangers in a strange land-in fact slaves.  If the Jewish community is to be home for all, we must make room at the table and share our stories.  

We tell our children about the miracle of God saving us from slavery in Egypt.  We should feel like God is also saving US and we should feel a new beginning.  How can we free people who are oppressed throughout the world and in our own community.  At the Seder we remember that if we really want to serve God, there is no force in the world that can stand in our way.

This last year many of us have felt "enslaved" by the worldwide pandemic.  God was surely working through his "helpers" on earth to develop collectively vaccines in record time that will help set us free to visit families, return to social activities, and work.

Let us be thankful to God, our families and friends and celebrate this Pesach and dedicate our lives to helping others be set free from their personal shackles.

haggadah Section: Introduction