Our Brother Alephs and Sister B’nai B’rith Girls,

For thousands of years, our people have come together for the Passover Seder. While the trials of time have tested the Jews, despite adversity or challenge, they have never completely stopped us. We have only grown stronger.

As members of BBYO, our beginnings are very similar to those of the Passover tale. There were rules regarding what we were and were not allowed to do as Jews, and instead of succumbing to the isolation, hatred, and injustice, we forged a new path. Just as Jochebed, Moses’s mother, improvised to save her son, Sam Beber and Anita Perlman revolutionized how Jewish youth could participate in Jewish life.

For over 91 years, we have cared for our fellow Jews and created environments to practice and observe Jewish life in a unique way. The beauty of a pluralistic movement teen led movement, means that we as the teen leaders can envision the Judaism that we want for ourselves.

This year, as your International board, we feel that it is important to have a unifying piece of Passover, one that Jews all of the world can come together for. Therefore, a Second Night Seder Pluralistic Haggadah seemed incredibly fitting as a way for our Order to celebrate this holiday.

As we celebrate this Passover, we want to recognize that many areas of our world still endure religious oppression. Regardless of their religion, we as Jews understand persecution and have an obligation to insure that no people in the world experience injustice again. This Haggadah is focused around the Refugee Crisis, and how we in BBYO can make a difference to collaborate and combat this horrific situation.

We hope this Haggadah is one that you can share with your chapters, councils, regions, and families for years to come.

Wishing you a Pesach Sameach,

Your 91st and 71st Grand and International Boards

Colin, Lauren, Cole, Ellie, Jake, Steph, Matt, Meredith, Hunter, and Deena

haggadah Section: Introduction