Welcome one and all to this Seder, this celebration and exploration of the eternal fight for freedom. We at St. Louis Hillel and Hillel Leadership Council are so excited to share this joyous holiday with you and take partin the time-honored tradition of retelling the Jewish people's going out of Egypt. We also join together tonight as a campus community to engage in conversation about the struggles for freedom and equality that endure even today. Through the seder we are called upon to remember that "once we were slaves in Egypt," and "strangers in a strange land." We will recognize that even if we do not share a common heritage, we hopefully can find common ground through shared experiences and hopes for the future. The seder is not an exercise in communal recollection but is rather a collective call unto ourselves to recognize that slavery and subjugation still exists in many forms and that we must continue to pursue freedom.

haggadah Section: Introduction