

Let's start with a song: Hineh Ma Tov

And now for a round of introductions and gratitude, and lets welcome the ancestors and anyone who could not be with us today.

Thoughts on Passover in this time:

This night, different from all other Passover nights we’ve known, invites us to show up, committed to continuity, connection, and care. In the midst of grave uncertainty, isolation, illness and loss, we gather online to retell our sacred journey as a people in constant formation. The ancient Exodus saga and our contemporary dire straits inform each other and help us transform this night into a sacred, stubborn and delicious celebration.

We didn’t expect to be gathered like this tonight. We pause to take a deep breath in acknowledgement of the circumstances that brought us together, welcoming all who join this ritual, honoring all who are remembered, and celebrating the privilege of being alive.

One thing COVID-19 teaches us is that we are all connected, we are one organism, and one immune system. It teaches us that we are all responsible for our collective health and wellbeing. 

May we all recognize our reciprocity with each other, the land, the water, and that which flows through all beings. 

 For over two thousand years, Jews have made Pesach fit to the situations they faced - whether under persecution, in exile, or in comfort. Pesach this year will be unfamiliar, and call for lots of creativity  - and yet it will join the chain of thousands of years of Pesach seders calling for creativity. What we do this year will also echo into the future, and enter the story of our people. 

haggadah Section: Introduction