We announce” “Let all who are hungry come and eat. Whoever is in need, come join our Seder.” But hungry people do not stream into our home to share our meal. This dramatic declaration is nearly symbolic, and our invitation echoes into the empty night. Let us resolve to move beyond this symbolic ritual and make a true commitment to those who suffer from hunger. Let us work inn solidarity with those who are hungry and enslaved to build a future in which food and freedom are accessible to all.

We now begin our journey through the Passover Seder, our journey from slavery to freedom. Through word, song, story, ritual and many questions, we relive the story of exodus and liberation. We tell the story not only to preserve the memory. We tell the story because Egypt is not only a physical place. The exodus was not just one moment in time. We step into the story because it is not just a story of the Jewish people, but also the story of all people who have experienced oppression and liberation. When we recall the story of oppression, we resolve to fight oppression everywhere. When we recall the story of liberation, we renew the dream for freedom everywhere. Tonight we join our voices as individuals and members of this Seder community committed to the liberation of all who are oppressed in our community. 

haggadah Section: Introduction