It's impossible to aceept  that in our generation—in America—neo-Nazis and far-right extremists march in our streets and attack our synagogues, our Capitol, our communities -- spreading violence, hate, and terror.
Racism, antisemitism, and white supremacy are very much present in our generation too. Mah nishtanah? Does nothing change? 

Mah nishtanah! How different is our time!
Once we were slaves in Egypt; we were powerless. Today we are citizens: we vote, we advocate, we hold office.
Once we thought we were being singled out. Today we know that hate knows no boundaries; when one group is attacked, we are all at risk.
Once we felt alone. Today we stand together with allies—of different faiths, different races, different gender identities and sexual orientations, different nationalities.
Once we made excuses; we thought if we laid low, it would blow over. Today we act immediately; we know that fighting hate and violence cannot wait.
Once we had no earthly recourse. Today we have the law on our side—and we're using it. Once we cried out and God redeemed us. Today we are called to be God's partners, to work toward redemption ourselves—not just for Jews, but for all people. 


What gives you hope and sustains you right now?
What can you personally do to fight hate in our generation? How can you support those on the front lines? 

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues