This invitation to the hungry and needy raises the question, What is the difference between them?

  • Hunger is defined as an urgent physical need of the body for food, or as a strong psychological desire or craving of the spirit for something.


  • Need is defined as a lack of means for the physical subsistence or the psychological well being of an organism.


Mankind is hungry for freedom and needs it as the body needs food. Without freedom, control over desires is lost and happiness is overcome by depression. Mankind is also needy for the kind of freedom that satisfies the soul. People make many choices in pursuit of provision, security and happiness but poor choices fail to satisfy.

The Seder is a lesson on freedom. Everyone is hungry for freedom and is dependent on others to give freedom to them. Those who become aware that they lack the wisdom to consistently make good choices are needy. They need help to make choices that won't disappoint or add sorrow to their souls.

Good news for the hungry and the needy for freedom is available at the Seder table through the God of Israel and the retelling of the Passover exodus. Now we fill the second cup for the second Passover promise. "I will free you from being slaves to them" .

haggadah Section: Maggid - Beginning